Class 20 - Riders
Updated: Jun 3, 2024
I have finaled shot 020_0160, officially finishing my last shot for the Riders project!
Attached below is a quick view of what 020_0160 currently looks like:
Please note that this video was rendered straight out of Nuke, set to low quality - and may not have a most desirable frame rate. The final shot shown in the Riders project, as well as the showcase, may appear a bit different. You can also see the final render in my brand-new demo reel!
I'd like to thank Chair Marshall, Christie Mendez, and Joe Pasquale for making this independent study happen. Being a part of these projects was an incredible experience, and I learned a lot along the way. We are all excited for the final showcase on Thursday to see our work on the big screen! Thank you, Professor Pasquale.