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Studio 2 - Independent Study Class Blog
This blog is dedicated to showcasing progression on each project/shot I am working on as a part of my independent compositing study with Professor Joe Pasquale at Savannah College of Art & Design. This blog will post progress on a few different projects at once. These projects are senior thesis projects of my peers.

Ty Robillard
May 28, 20241 min read
Class 20 - Riders
I have finaled shot 020_0160, officially finishing my last shot for the Riders project! Attached below is a quick view of what 020_0160...

Ty Robillard
May 27, 20241 min read
Class 19 - Riders
The Riders project is coming to an end, and we are all very excited for the showcase on Thursday. I am in the process of finishing my...

Ty Robillard
May 22, 20241 min read
Class 18 - Riders
Today I refined lots of the background lighting and details. I also added a small Easter egg in reference to Sam's "Red Rabbit" project....

Ty Robillard
May 20, 20241 min read
Class 17 - Riders
Today I wrapped up most of the details on the mugshot scene background. We had an unexpected error with previous environment and lighting...

Ty Robillard
May 15, 20241 min read
Class 15 & 16 - Riders
With the Riders project nearing finish and as I wait on renders, I have started to help with miscellaneous things. I am doing generalist...

Ty Robillard
May 8, 20241 min read
Class 14 - Riders & TSM
I have made adjustments to Riders shot 30-20, making changes to the heat distortion on the horizon. I have also added dust kick-up trails...

Ty Robillard
May 6, 20242 min read
Class 13 - Riders
Today I have finaled some shots for the Riders project with Drew. This shot has been wrapped up and submitted to be final. I have fixed a...

Ty Robillard
May 3, 20241 min read
Class 12 - Riders
I was able to make significant progress on a few shots for riders. First, I cleaned up, added elements (inducing heat distortion), etc....

Ty Robillard
Apr 29, 20241 min read
Class 11 - Riders & TSM
I had to refine a background plate for the shot about Joyrider today. However, I am experiencing extreme issues with Nuke. I have gone...

Ty Robillard
Apr 28, 20241 min read
Class 10 - Riders
I have started compositing this CG shot, shot 30-20. This included combining AOV's (to make everything look nice and well integrated),...

Ty Robillard
Apr 22, 20241 min read
Class 9 - TSM
The deadline to deliver shot 12 is today. With help from Mateo in the past few days, we were able to find a solution to the errors...

Ty Robillard
Apr 17, 20241 min read
Class 8 - Misc
While waiting on background renders for Riders, I helped Andrea start some IBK keying processes for her senior film. For this shot, I...

Ty Robillard
Apr 15, 20241 min read
Class 7 - Riders
Final key for Joyrider shot 10 & 45. This screenshot and progress update is showing shot 45. I have roughly finalized integration,...

Ty Robillard
Apr 10, 20242 min read
Class 6 - Riders
I started adding texture to the windows, to make them look like physical glass - and also to make them look worn/scratched, as a sci-fi...

Ty Robillard
Apr 8, 20241 min read
Class 5 - TSM
Today I integrated the tentacle underneath the grass, and added final compositing passes to it - including re-grain, light wrap, defocus,...

Ty Robillard
Apr 3, 20241 min read
Class 4 - Riders
Started integration. The image in the background is currently just a reference. I will continue to refine the Cg car interior, and plate...

Ty Robillard
Apr 1, 20241 min read
Class 3 - TSM
I refined the skyline with roto and luma keys. Added his hat back on top of the new sky/fog - also using a simple roto and a luma key. I...

Ty Robillard
Apr 1, 20241 min read
Class 3 - Riders
Refined the alpha on "Joy Rider" There is still a bit to improve, but this is almost ready. I am currently waiting on renders. Once I...

Ty Robillard
Mar 27, 20241 min read
Class 02 - Riders
Started the keying on this character for a close-up interior shot - inside their vehicle It looks great as is, but as you can...

Ty Robillard
Mar 25, 20241 min read
Class 01 - TSM
Here is a breakdown of my most recent shot from The Space Messenger. This has just been called final. Next up, I'll be working on some...
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