Class 6 - Riders

I started adding texture to the windows, to make them look like physical glass - and also to make them look worn/scratched, as a sci-fi racing vehicle should be. I used window and scratch textures from Adobe Stock Images, and integrated them on different alpha shapes to best match the curvature of the car & windows. I also faked her reflection on the window behind her. It would have been best if the film crew shot the other side of her in this position, so we cold accurately project this onto the car window. However, they did not shoot this angle. The only angle we have is the one we see now. The best way I found to add her reflection is as follow: Roto'd a portion of her head/hair from the keyed footage (her hair is bright and colorful - so I presume these hues would be significantly noticeable in the reflection), flipped and transformed it, layered it behind the character, blurred the alpha, applied heavy defocus, lower the mix of the erge until the hues are just a subtle effect on the window.

I then fine tuned these assets, and added a lens flare coming through the window. I like the lens flare, but this is subject to change as per the cinematographer's request. I also adjusted the white & black levels, as well as other color variables on the CG render to help match it to the footage.
I have also added bloom, chromatic aberration and light wrap to the sharp edges of the CG, pulling source from the background - which will change soon. the current background is just a placeholder.

Here is a 4K render of what I currently have in srgb color space. it will be cropped in the final edit so we do not see that her hand is not actually touching a steering wheel. Due to how this footage was shot, this is a problem we can not fix at this stage. Cropping will fix this.